Hello my fellow pastry lovers,
My very first post is one that I’m writing to myself, and to you; You being anyone who is wanting to subscribe or simply read this newsletter.
One of my goals this year was to move my consumption habits from the short form to the long-form. I’d like to spend more time digging into articles, poems, stories, novels, and albums rather than just skimming the surface via headlines, social media posts, and thirty-second snippets of music via videos.
Well, as any of you who try to make a living from your art or creative output will know, there is an increasing demand on our time when it comes to marketing our work. I want to challenge myself to spend more time working on and thinking about the kind of artist I want to be, rather than how I can sell my art.
Additionally, I want to share that with a community of people who are also interested in digging a little deeper. I want to hear from you about what you’re reading, watching, painting, etc, how it’s making you feel, and what it’s teaching you about being a human. I want this to be a place where literature and art becomes accessible to everyone regardless of how “qualified” you might feel to have an opinion.
Enter this newsletter: Each Sunday I’ll be posting about art. It will mostly be something that inspires me that I’ve read, heard or watched; but sometimes I’ll post my own work as well; writing, poetry, and/or new songs. I’ll also be writing about creativity in general, traveling, working as a songwriter, and the creative process. I really want this to feel like a communal space so I welcome your comments and questions, and topics for discussion.
There are a lot of forums out there for learning how to make a living as an artist. Marketing, branding, selling, touring. This will not be one of them. I really want this to be a capitalism-free space! That’s not to say we can’t discuss capitalism in general, I just mean that the Croissant is not about making money from art, it’s about making the best possible art that we can, just because we think it’s a worthwhile pursuit. So, I won’t be posting about how to make money playing music, how to market your songs to reach your audience, or any other of those very important but extremely depressing topics. This is the weekly croissant, where we sit down and think about something lovely, beautiful, and unproductive for a minute.
Please join me!