Blue Monday
Is it the five half-empty cups of water living like spa pools next to the sink,
The grey fringe framing every bulbous cloud, the hours gone missing to
The fear of what you’ve revealed, the dog hair
Collecting in the cracks between floorboards, the skum on the side of the
Shower, the leaves of the houseplant giving up and curling in,
The fridge with endless ketchup
Old cauliflower, wilting lettuce and scratched styrofoam containers,
The numb in the ends of your big toes, the small rocks in the bottom of your
Slippers and the dog pulling the leash until your wrists complain--
Or is it your pulse, steady as a metronome,
Brave, unrelenting, and deserving of so much better.
Or a foil wrapper in brown on-ground tree leaves.